Political Science Research

May 2024 - May 2025

The War on Ukraine: An Analysis of Refugee Treatment

Grace Wilson

Roger Durham and Grace WilsonThis study will examine the treatment of Ukrainian refugees. Since the illegal invasion 在2022年2月被俄罗斯占领后,四分之一的乌克兰人被迫离开 逃离家园,成为难民或国内流离失所者 persons). 这项研究着眼于对乌克兰难民的支持性质的变化 from the beginning of the war to present. Data will come from the cases of refugees 在波兰、德国和其他地方(取决于数据说明). Crucial 国际人道主义法,特别是“难民制度”. 这需要仔细审查难民法及其执行情况. At issue 国家行为和国际法律规范之间是否存在紧张关系. Additionally, 将审查难民与其东道国人民之间的动态关系. The expected product is a carefully documented thesis paper.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Roger Durham, Political Science 
Funded by: Aquinas College Summer Scholars Program

May 2023 - May 2024

Grahm Staib

Grahm Staib and Roger DurhamRussia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The language and justifications used 俄罗斯总统普京在他的演讲和著作中,都是基于长期以来的 认为乌克兰属于大俄罗斯势力范围的“俄罗斯世界”主义. 这是有道理的,因为基辅是耶稣受洗的地点 罗斯-是俄罗斯东正教开始的基础. Thus the war has been 以种族和宗教为依据,表明普京的地缘政治目标 与俄罗斯官方教会一致,后者似乎支持 actions of the Putin regime in Ukraine. This research will investigate the historical 普京政权和俄罗斯东正教之间的关系 to the war in Ukraine.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Roger Durham, Political Science
Funded by: Aquinas College Summer Scholars Program

May 2022 - May 2023

Aidan Raffaele

在过去的30年里,气候变化对人类生存的威胁越来越大 the attention and concern of governments at every level. As public awareness of the 这个问题的存在和严重性越来越大,各种各样的反应也越来越多 governments and intergovernmental bodies; the UN has facilitated and encouraged participation 在《十大赌博登录官网》和《十大赌博正规平台在线》等多个条约中,拜登政府都是如此 已经承诺大幅增加风能发电能力,而各邦政府 are offering incentives for options like solar energy. In the last 10 years, however, 城市正在成为解决这一问题的最有效的变革力量 global issue. 因此,这项研究的重点是城市政府及其气候变化 policies and practices. 我们的计划是比较和评估市级的成功 环境政策以各种因素如挽留大学毕业生或 选民参与调查是否有某些因素使城市倾向于选举 有效的气候政策,并找到潜在的变化,城市政府 这反过来又能在这个领域带来更多的成功吗. 

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Roger Durham

Funded by: Aquinas College Summer Scholars Program

May 2021 - May 2022

Mathew Maloney

在国际关系中许多相互竞争的趋势中,有两种趋势最为突出 heart of this research. The first is ongoing warfare and conflict, disintegration, 民族主义、违反国际法、单边主义和危害人类罪. 最近的例子包括“巴尔干化”、英国脱欧、正在进行的叙利亚战争、 俄罗斯入侵克里米亚和顿巴斯,以及最近亚美尼亚和俄罗斯之间的战争 Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh. The second - and diametrically opposed trend - is often seen as a reaction to the first. It includes the increasing movement toward 合作、一体化、跨国主义、国际法、多边主义和 support for the human condition. Examples of this dynamic include all of the cooperative 联合国的行动(包括越来越多地使用维持和平行动); 比如欧盟(甚至包括法国和德国)的一体化努力 共同使用货币),商定战争法,战争罪法庭,以及结束战争的努力 human rights violations. 本研究处理这两种竞争之间的紧张关系 international dynamics. The tension between these two trends generates patterns of behavior between states. Using these patterns we hope to establish findings that can predict future state behavior.

Faculty Advisor: Roger Durham
Funded by: Aquinas College Summer Scholars Program

May 2020 - May 2021

Democracy, Identity, and Existential Threat
Tessa Schutt

近几十年来,协商民主的理论家曾希望帮助人们重建民主 他们的身份和兴趣应该更具包容性、同理心和兼容性 a diverse political world. 相反,认同和分歧似乎在加剧 and resisting reconstruction. The possibility of compromise or a middle ground is 被许多政治派别的人拒绝,转而支持支持他的候选人 dramatic change. 对政策和候选人的分歧似乎更频繁 是关乎生存的威胁——挑战人的本质. Identity 政治,曾经被认为是20世纪60年代社会运动的残余, has re-emerged in new ways. The purpose for conducting research on this topic is to 更好地理解认同和分歧在当前政治中是如何发挥作用的 文化,以及身份在支持或反对特定文化中扮演的角色(如果有的话) political candidates. 鉴于围绕政治人物的激烈分歧 在两党之间,对谁“应该”支持的期望各不相同 候选人,当前的选举格局提供了一个丰富的机会来探索如何 identity and disagreement are currently working together

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Molly Patterson
Funded by: Aquinas College Summer Scholars Program

May 2017 - May 2018

student researchers The Correlation Between Political Knowledge and Efficacy
Zachary Isaacs

政治效能是一个人在政治中能够拥有并确实拥有权力的感觉. 近半个世纪以来,功效一直是一个研究得很好的话题,然而,没有相关性 has ever been studied between it and political knowledge. This study is being conducted 对卡拉马祖地区不同地区的广泛人群进行了调查 看看对政治的了解是否有关系 and feeling able to be effective in the political arena. The results of this study 能提供有价值的见解,了解不同的公众观点 the government and their role in it.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Molly Patterson
Funded by: Aquinas College Summer Scholars Program

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